Tag Archive for: Travis Newbill

Albert Flynn DeSilver on Writing as a Path to Awakening
Creative ExpressionAlbert Flynn DeSilver is a well known poet, memoirist, novelist, and one of the foremost teachers of writing as…
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Andrew Holecek on the Science and Spirituality of Lucid Dream Yoga
Mind-Body, Mindful LivingIn recent years, lucid dreaming has become a widely recognized phenomena, and gradually, the methods for accessing deeper dimensions…
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WATCH: Susan Piver on Writing, Magic, and Meditation
Creative Expression, Mind-Body, Mindful LivingYou probably already know who Susan Piver is — because she is famous for helping people through her writing.…
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Alan Watts: How to Stop Time — a short film by Jason Lee Segal
Creative ExpressionThe humor and poetic sense with which British philosopher Alan Watts delivered his lectures is perhaps as celebrated as…
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WATCH: Orgyen Chowang Rinpoche Describes Pristine Mind
Mind-BodyIf you're in the mood to sit in the presence of a Tibetan meditation master as he describes the nature of mind,…
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Ally, Trying: Pulse and the Path
Creative Expression, Social EngagementI wrote this over the course of a four day train ride across the country — tumbling in the…
by admin0 commentsKen Wilber on Mindfulness and Why “Growing Up” is as Important as “Waking Up”
Mind-BodyAs mindfulness has grown in popularity, it's questionable whether it's potential as a tool for enlightenment has been sufficiently…
by admin0 commentsDiane Musho Hamilton on Creativity, Emotions and the Necessity of Conflict
Creative Expression, Mind-Body, Mindful LivingSitting before a blank page, waiting to decide on the opening words of this post, I've been experiencing a…
by admin0 commentsToo Much on Your Plate? Here’s Advice from a Mindfulness Teacher
Mind-Body, Mindful LivingI hope that your plates are full today -- but not too full -- and that you're enjoying every…
by admin0 commentsIs Today a Good Day to Die? How Meditation and Yoga Can Liberate You From Fear
Mind-BodyI hope, as you read this, that you are well and free from any indications that your life will be cut…
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