Tag Archive for: Video

What is Awakening?
Mind-Body, Mindful LivingShambhala Mountain Center is delighted to welcome Tina Rasmussen back to the Land this fall. We invite you to…
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WATCH: Orgyen Chowang Rinpoche Describes Pristine Mind
Mind-BodyIf you're in the mood to sit in the presence of a Tibetan meditation master as he describes the nature of mind,…
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Diane Musho Hamilton on Creativity, Emotions and the Necessity of Conflict
Creative Expression, Mind-Body, Mindful LivingSitting before a blank page, waiting to decide on the opening words of this post, I've been experiencing a…
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Are You Willing to Expose Yourself — to Yourself and Others?
Social EngagementThis particular teaching stops me in my tracks. It forces me to stretch, to turn inwards, and outwards —…
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Forgiveness in an Unforgiving World (VIDEO)
Mindful Living, Relationships, Social EngagementWe've recently become aware of a journalist named Megan Feldman who embarked on an brave journey across the globe…
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Comedy Improv: Humor for Health and Self-Discovery with Jacqueline Kabat
Creative Expression, Mind-BodyBy Travis Newbill Can comedy improv help you live a more awake, more joyful, and less fearful life? Can…
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VIDEO: Winter Dathun with Shastri Samten Kobelt
Mind-BodyIn this video, beloved senior teacher Samten Kobelt discusses the upcoming month-long meditation retreat that he will be…
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