Dathun circle2

Meditate for a week or the full month of Dathun,
a retreat in the Colorado Rocky Mountains

Dathun, Tibetan for “moon session,” is an intensive group meditation retreat for new and experienced meditators interested in deepening their mindfulness-awareness. Composed of four weekly segments called “Weekthuns,” this month-long retreat allows participants to attend anywhere from one week up to the full Dathun. Through this immersive program, the practice of meditation goes beyond the cushion, with every aspect of daily life becoming a practice of wakefulness and an opportunity to make better friends with ourselves and our world. For more information about Dathun, including a sample schedule, click here.

Nestled high in the Colorado Rockies in a serene 600-acre valley surrounded by rocky peaks, pine and aspen forests, Shambhala Mountain Center provides an inspiring, safe and supportive container for fully immersing yourself in meditation.

Immerse yourself in a rich retreat environment designed to support, expand and deepen your experience

Every day of Dathun will be full of practices carefully designed to cultivate mindfulness-awareness including: one-on-one meditation instruction, guided meditations, dharma talks from senior teachers, daily mindful eating practices and walks through the beautiful terrain of the Colorado Rocky Mountains.

Summer Dathun with Greg Smith

July 24 – August 21, 2015


Greg Smith

Greg Smith, a well known sangha artist and thangka painter, has lived and painted at Shambhala Mountain Center for many years. He has been a student of meditation since 1976, first with Chögyam Trungpa and later with his son Sakyong Mipham. Greg has taught meditation and Buddhist studies since 1982.

Register for Dathun Retreat

Winter Dathun with Acharya Gaylon Ferguson & Shastri Janet Solyntjes

December 12 – January 10

Acharya Gaylon FergusonAcharya Gaylon Ferguson

Acharya Gaylon Ferguson, PhD, is a senior teacher in the Shambhala Buddhist tradition who has been leading meditation retreats since 1976. He is a member of Naropa University’s core faculty and the author of Natural Wakefulness: Discovering the Wisdom We Were Born With. Additionally, his article, “Making Friends with Ourselves,” was selected for inclusion in The Best Buddhist Writing 2005 and his essay “No Color, All Colors” appears in the book, Mindful Politics.

Shastri Janet Solyntjesjanet-gold

Shastri Janet Solyntjes has been a member of the Shambhala community since 1984 and teaches at Shambhala centers in the US, Australia, and New Zealand.  As an Adjunct Professor at Naropa University she has taught meditation courses in different departments and is co-founder of the Boulder-based Center for Courageous Living.

Register for Dathun Retreat


Noble Aspiration, Noble Effort, Beautiful Fruition

Dathun is not a magic pill or a makeover. Still, the before and after photos can be quite striking. And though the photos themselves speak volumes, the featured practitioners have words worth sharing as well.

Dathun Sidebar(a)(1)

Click here to see more photos


“The principle of basic goodness is not particularly religious or secular. It is about how humanity at the core is complete, good and worthy. If we can feel confident in our goodness, it will illuminate our life and society.”
–Sakyong Mipham, The Shambhala Principle



 Attend a Weekthun 

Dathun can be experienced as a whole month or in weekly Weekthun segments. There are many benefits to each choice.

If you are interested in reading more about the individual Weekthuns, please click here.

Arrival and Departure Information

Registration for this program takes place from 10 am to 4 pm on  the program start date. All participants and volunteer staff must check in at our Guest Registration house. This program will end with breakfast on the last day. 

Would you like to apply to be on staff for Dathun this Summer?

Please click [here] to fill out an application and to tell us about your experience and areas of interest. Qualified applicants are Authorized Mediation Instructors who have completed a Dathun as a participant. For administrative roles (such as Internal Coordinator), non-Meditation Instructors are welcome.

Naropa Students

Please use the discount code Naropa20 to receive your Naropa student discount. (Discount applies to housing and meals for the full month Dathun program only.)