Tag Archive for: delicios recipe!

Summer Pasta Salad
Mindful LivingJuly 30, 2013
Recipe by Terri Huggett, Shambhala Mountain chef extraordinaire. Light fare doesn't have to be light on taste. This lovely…
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Gluten-Free Vegan Banana Cake with Vanilla Sauce
Life at SMC, Mindful LivingJune 27, 2013
Cake 2 cups Gluten-Free All-Purpose Flour Mix * 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. baking soda 3/4 tsp.…
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Sicilian Cauliflower
Life at SMC, Mindful LivingMay 24, 2013
As the Sicilians say, Burrasca furiusa prestu passa—A furious storm passes quickly. At SMC a furious May 1st…
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Three Variations on a Theme: Butternut Squash Cups & Tabouleh
Life at SMC, Mindful LivingMarch 5, 2013
This beautiful and hearty winter squash transforms in your garden from green to a golden yellow color and becomes…
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