Zannie Pugliese, RYT, LMT, TTT, RN
Zannie has been practicing yoga since she was fourteen years old and really connected with the Kundalini tradition in 2020 after training at the Soul of Yoga (SOY) in California under Dr. Dana Reece. She works remotely as a program support specialist for SOY’s teacher training program, regularly returning for in-person teacher training. She is a member of Aquarian Souls, a Kundalini community with instructors based in La Jolla, CA, where she studied under Guru Amrit. Zannie also works as a bodyworker specializing in massage, Trauma Touch Therapy, and hospice. She lives in Denver, where she has a private practice and is an instructor at the Colorado School of Healing Arts massage school. She also instructs yoga and provides massage for program participants and staff at the Drala Mountain Center. Website: https://www.somanomada.com/.