Michelle Becker, LMFT
Michelle Becker, LMFT, developer of the Compassion for Couples program and cofounder of Wise Compassion, is a licensed marriage and family therapist in private practice in San Diego, utilizing mindfulness and compassion-based approaches to psychotherapy. In addition she is a certified teacher of Mindful Self-Compassion, Compassion Cultivation Training, and The Daring Way™ and Rising Strong™ programs. Michelle is a senior teacher trainer, mentor, and cofounder of the teacher-training program in Mindful Self-Compassion. She teaches and speaks on the topics of compassion for self and others nationally and internationally, especially in regard to relationships, health care, and the workplace. She particularly delights in supporting compassion teachers.
Website: www.wisecompassion.com
Upcoming Programs by Michelle Becker, LMFT
5-Day Mindful Self-Compassion Intensive
Also Michelle Becker, LMFT and Dr. Steven Hickman
This 5-day residential program is an intensive form of the internationally recognized, eight-session Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) training developed by Christopher Germer and Kristin Neff. It is open to laypeople and professionals alike. Participants will learn to: practice self-compassion in daily life, motivate themselves with kindness rather than criticism, meet difficult emotions with greater ease, transform […]
Compassion for Couples: Building the Skills of Loving Connection
Also Michelle Becker, LMFT and Dr. Steven Hickman
There’s a Buddhist belief that a genuinely loving relationship is the practice for which all other practices are preparation. It’s likely that you already know how much we all need healthy, well-connected relationships to thrive…but also that relationships can be really challenging. Compassion for Couples is a wonderful opportunity for you and your partner to […]